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Ānanda Candrikā Devi Dāsī

Ānanda Candrikā Devi Dāsī


She is known in the community for her cheerful and liberated nature.
In 1992, at the age of 13, she joined the Krishna consciousness movement with her family, and together they moved to Krishna Valley in 1995.

Her main service is preaching.
She has been practicing and teaching bhakti yoga for 30 years.
She especially likes to give lectures in the various retreats organized by Krishna Valley, in which she teaches the practical application of Vedic philosophy, which can be easily incorporated into everyday life. In addition, it presents a way of thinking that helps one look at life and problems from a different perspective. This is the key to inner harmony.

In recent years, she has served as a tour guide in Krishna Valley tourism department. Where she takes group on short tours in the valley area.

„Szeretném bearanyozni, mások életét azzal a boldogsággal, melyet a lelki életemben tapasztalok.”